Photo by Timothy Nguyen
As digital worlds proliferate and intrude upon physical and social spaces, agency and power become moving targets that evade traditional definition and conventional understandings. The features of Pendula explores the awareness of this growing ambiguity and invites the participation of individuals into initiating an ever-shifting environment where the polarities of subject/object, individual/collective, motion/idleness, chaos/harmony, and human/technology are transformed into spectrums of constant duality.
The participant will negotiate their own space through movements and levels of awareness of their environment. This negotiation allow participants to embody the collective movement of the entire piece as the audio-visual environment reflects the combination of how all participants bring social and spatial habits into the realm of a technologically responsive space.
An immersive & interactive audio-visual installation.
Pendula involves both hardware and software controls to process visuals and sound through the use of gestural data from each swing. Each swing contains a 3-axis gyroscope, which sends orientation values via Arduino board to Max/MSP. The orientation values from each swing are translated to OSC messages that are mapped out to discrete visual controls on Resolume Arena VJ software. The magnitude of swinging motions are reflected in the resulting visual effects that are generated. The combination of visual effects generated by all swings are outputted as one image that is displayed from four projectors.
creative team
Nancy Lee & Kiran Bhumber
For more information please visit the Pendula website: